CONTACT: 720-295-3104



Keynote Speaker | Leadership Educator | Executive Coach | Author

Times call for a deeper way of leading.

  Companies can no longer survive with targeted experts who fill a specific role. To prosper in this age of disruption and AI, organizations must cultivate leaders whose skill-set runs both deep and wide. They must value diverse skills and find solutions drawing across multiple disciplines. 

 You are sitting on a goldmine of talent and innovation inside your teams, your departments and your organization just waiting to be uncovered. That untapped talent is costing millions of dollars in lost productivity, lack of engagement and innovation.  

Foster and develop Renaissance Leaders who uncover hidden talent and unlock new ideas before your competitors do. Create a Renaissance Culture™ that recognizes hidden talent, inspires original thinking and brings the heart & soul back into your organization.

Learn how the Core Renaissance Leadership principles can help your organization transcend talent, birth new ideas and revive your culture giving you the competitive edge in the 21st century.

Watch Jean Marie in Action:





Book Jean Marie DiGiovanna, Renaissance thinker and "Master-of-Many" to speak to your group, department or organization. She will energize your mind and heart as she teaches the vital skill set needed in your rapid global business climate to expand your perspective and shift your thinking.

           BOOK JEAN MARIE       
for your next Conference, Virtual Event or Corporate Program

Our Renaissance Keynote Programs (In-Person & Virtual)


The Future Leader IS the Renaissance Leader

In this age of AI and rapid innovation, organizations risk overlooking their most valuable asset: the human element. Today’s employees crave more than just a job; they desire purpose-driven work where their uniqueness is honored, their voices heard, and their ideas valued.

We are in what Jean Marie coins, the “Next Renaissance” - a rebirth of humanity. These times call for Renaissance Leaders with deep and wide skillsets, who cultivate curiosity, honor diversity, and think like there is no box.

Jean Marie, International speaker, best-selling author, and executive coach will energize your mind and heart as she shares the indispensable skillset needed to harness the power of Renaissance Leadership™ and lead in the age of AI.

In this experiential Keynote, get ready to:  

  • Unlock the #1 Skill Renaissance Leaders possess and understand why it’s pivotal to your organization's success.
  • Learn the Core Renaissance Leadership™ Principles that foster trust, authenticity, and inclusivity.
  • Cultivate a Renaissance Mindset that inspires team engagement, fosters collaboration, and drives innovation. 

Session Length: 30-90 minutes


Cultivate Psychological Safety One Question at a Time

The foundation for healthy working relationships, highly collaborative teams and authentic self-expression is trust and psychological safety. Cultivating a culture of trust and psychological safety demands a commitment to practicing open and healthy dialogue.

It begins with mastering the science of asking powerful questions and the art of compassionate listening. When these principles are applied, employees and customers feel truly heard, seen, and understood. Their thoughts, ideas and perspectives are embraced inspiring their talent and creativity to flourish.

Organizational consultant, speaker and author Jean Marie DiGiovanna, will reveal the key success factors for building trust and the essential skillset for fostering a culture of psychologically safety.

In this experiential Keynote, get ready to:

  • Uncover the critical success factors for cultivating an environment of trust and psychological safety.
  • Master the #1 skill that instills trust and psychological safety into your organizational culture.
  • Implement the “Safety-6” Questions to open dialogue, boost engagement and enhance psychological safety.

Session Length: 30-90 minutes

Uncover New Ideas to Innovate


Unlock Hidden Talent, Honor Diversity & Drive Innovation

One of the most untapped resources in your organization today is your people power. The diverse gifts, talents and ideas among your team members are waiting to be discovered...yet no one is asking.

This untapped potential and these undiscovered ideas are costing your organization millions of dollars in lost productivity, disengagement and missed innovation opportunities.

What's the solution? Develop Renaissance Leaders who excel at tapping into and honoring the goldmine of talent and creativity among your team. The result? Enhanced cross-functional collaboration, increased innovation, and continuous learning, giving your organization a competitive edge in the 21st century.

In this experiential Keynote, get ready to:  

  • Discover the key to unlocking hidden potential maximizing productivity within and across teams.
  • Explore the top three techniques to drive innovation and revolutionize team dynamics.
  • Inspire peak performance by mastering the art of acknowledging team members to achieve their best.

Session Length: 30-90 minutes

Engage Your Leaders, Teams and Organization 

with a Master of Experiential Learning.

Renaissance Keynote Programs

Are you tapping into the depth and breadth of the talent on your teams?

Does your environment challenge the status quo, foster curiosity and reward innovation?  

Learn exactly what it takes to become a Renaissance Leader™ and cultivate a Renaissance Culture™ of curiosity, psychological safety, engagement, collaboration and belonging. Delivered in-person or virtually.

Learn More

Renaissance Leadership Programs 

We teach your leaders the Core Renaissance Leadership Principles that impact the bottom line by increasing employee engagement, improving team performance and inspiring innovation.  

Build stronger leaders who communicate with confidence, uncover hidden talent and unlock new ideas that create a competitive edge. For in-person & remote teams.

Learn More

Renaissance Programs for Female Leaders

How are you empowering the female leaders in your organization to increase their influence and impact and foster a culture of empowerment.

These programs exclusively for Female Leaders are the key to transforming their leadership journey. They help counter gender stereotypes, harness personal power, and equip women with the strategies to elevate their leadership so they can drive meaningful change with greater impact and influence.

Learn More

to discuss your organization's needs.

"Jean Marie's talk struck a chord for many members of our organization and leaders of the community when she spoke at our International Training & Development Summit. Her topic was very well received and the techniques she shared provided a refreshing insight into what many great leaders do at work. Her energy was just right and she connected with the audience with ease. Even as she was speaking to over 250 people, she made the audience feel she was speaking to them as one." 

~ Liza Kristine Suarez, President, Philippine Society for Training & Development - Cebu Corp. / HR Manager, Maayo Group

"I have enjoyed working with Jean Marie over the last 8 months as she delivered the "Art of Asking Powerful Questions" series to 100 of our Leaders across the globe. It was a great program, very stimulating and very well done. Her content is excellent and her conviction to her very sincere “higher” purpose is obvious and engaging. Her book which she made available to all participants is filled with great insights, practical ideas and great questions of course. Her work ethic is impeccable, always so prepared and diligent and her delivery showed that she cared a lot about helping us. We were really impressed with her dedication and how much her passion, joy and authenticity came shining through.  We are really grateful and appreciate her contribution to our culture." 

~ John Hogan, Senior Managing Director, Broadridge Financial Solutions

"The training was extremely interesting and useful. Many of my colleagues remarked how helpful it was. Jean Marie presented the material with expertise, credibility and genuineness. She got the learning message across by breaking everything down into simplified concepts; human potential is higher than ever, the world’s advancements present us with ever more complex problems. On a bigger scale, renaissance leaders are key players in the integration of people and organizations. The topic was very relevant to my job and profession and will help me in many aspects of my work and organization." 

~ Michael Martinez Godinez, President, People Management Association of the Philippines -Cebu Chapter / HR Practitioner

"The topic on Renaissance Leadership was quite a revelation for me. As a former recruiter, I tend to pigeonhole applicants to a specific skill-set fit for a particular position. Jean Marie teaches us that casting a wider net will enable us to hire the true creative geniuses. Instead of stereotyping the "eccentrics", we should create an environment that will allow them to innovate and cultivate their hidden talents; thus making them the future pillars of the organization. I highly recommend her topic for all HR practitioners. It is truly an eye-opener." 

~ Melanie Rose Yap, HR Specialist - OD, Visayan Electric Company 

" Jean Marie is an excellent coach and facilitator. She combines a natural aptitude to bring multiple viewpoints into alignment with a keen understanding of what makes businesses (and people) truly successful. I would highly recommend her to anyone in need of her services."

~ Joseph N. COO Asset Management at a Large Financial Institution

"Jean Marie made our virtual training session absolutely engaging and a lot of fun. I did not realize until the end of the session that we were on for over 2 hrs. The technology worked seamlessly and does not come in the way of the course content. The course content is just right and covers the essentials of what we needed to get started with coaching our virtual teams." 

~ VP of IT Services Global Marketing for a Large Global Consumer Company

"What stood out most about Jean Marie's E-Learning is how succinct and valuable the courses were for our staff and how easy it was to work with Jean Marie. The E-Learning was a great complement to our in-person training and they were a huge benefit to our staff towards building good will and engagement. As a result of the E-Learning our employees are listening better and understanding each other more in meetings and in their communication."

~ Ann Miller, Senior VP, HR & Admin at Iredale Mineral Cosmetics, Ltd.

Meet Jean Marie DiGiovanna, C.P.C.C.

Jean Marie DiGiovanna is an international keynote speaker, leadership development expert, certified executive coach and best-selling author. With her body of work on Renaissance Leadership and over 25 years of experience across the globe, she helps leaders and their teams shift the way they think, lead and communicate rapidly creating a culture of increased trust, collaboration and innovation. She is a master of experiential learning and has a unique ability for asking the questions no one is asking and deeply listening for what's not being said. She has a gift for creating a safe environment where leaders and their teams find their voice, speak their truth and resolve conflict swiftly and gracefully. She is a disruptor, a change catalyst and an innovative thinker working with leaders to uncover hidden talent, unlock new ideas and positively shift the culture so that no talent is left behind. She brings the heart & soul into business and the "being" back into human.

Having studied Computer Science back in the day and being one of the founding partners of Cambridge Technology Partners, a high-tech startup in the early 90's, she knows what it takes to grow a company from ninety people to over 4000 worldwide, how to bridge the gap between technology, people and process and how to create a culture of collaboration, authentic leadership, high-growth and innovation.

Jean Marie was named a “Top 10 Coach of Boston,” by Women’s Business Boston. She is the co-author of "Success is a State of Mind" and the author of the bestselling book "Stop Talking Start Asking: 27 Questions to Shift the Culture of Your Organization". Jean Marie's programs are highly engaging and content-rich, with tools leaders can apply immediately to create high performing teams and shift the culture of their organization.

In true Renaissance Spirit, when Jean Marie isn’t working, she is busy traveling the world (when the airways open up more), working in her art studio, skiing fast and dancing to live Latin music. 


Jean Marie DiGiovanna
